Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

A Note on Nicki Minajs Feathered Shin Ornaments in Her New Pound the Alarm Video

Nicki Minaj released her new "Pound the Alarm" video today, and as our brethren over at Vulture pointed out, it features a fascinating and unfamiliar garment (in addition to her usual jeweled bra tops, bikini bottoms, nipple chains, fishnet tights, and the like): hot-pink feathery things affixed to the fronts of her shins, sort of like a below-the-knee boa. What a novelty! What are these even called, officially? Some have dubbed them "feathered leg warmers," but they could also be called "feathered shin guards" or "shinfeathers" or our personal favorite, "sheathers." In any case, they're fluttery and festive and very entertaining to watch while Nicki's dancing and stomping about. She might be onto something big here.

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