Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Jonah Hill, well never look at you in the same way again


It’s been yonks since Superbad and we’d have thought he’d be a bit more mature by now.

But Jonah Hill has quite frankly done something even his character in the hilarious American High School movie wouldn’t do.

Ok maybe not.

He is feeling embarrassed (and rightly so) after being caught taking pictures of a woman giving birth in a park.

He stumbled upon a scene in New York City where the lady was popping out a sprog on a bench and just had to snap the placenta as she was being loaded into an ambulance.

He tweeted: “Craziest thing I've ever seen. A woman have birth next to me in a park. I took a picture of the placenta and TMZ caught me. Embarrassing.”

To be fair, we’d probably be tempted to do the same. Tempted that is. No shame these celebs.

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