Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

The Paul Ryan Announcement: If These Clothes Could Talk

Rep. Paul Ryan and his family made their big national impression today when Mitt Romney announced Ryan as his VP president pick in Norfolk, VA. First a youthful, tie-free Ryan jogged onstage, waving to the crowd while the Air Force One soundtrack boomed over the loudspeakers. After a stern speech about "difficult decisions," 43-year-old Janna Ryan ushered their three children onstage for a round of hugs with the Romneys.

Mitt and Ann looked the same as always. (Were they trying not to upstage the Ryans?) In fact, Ann re-wore a favorite pink corset-style belt that wound up clashing with all the red, white, and blue paraphernalia. Though less fashion forward, the Ryans' wholesome looks spoke volumes. If their clothes could talk, here's what they'd be telling us.

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