Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Spice Girls to wear Giles at Olympics Closing Ceremony?

As you're aware, rumours are rife that pop star-turned-WAG-turned-designer Victoria Beckham will reunite with the source of her fame, the Spice Girls, to perform at the Olympics Closing Ceremony on August 12.

Beckham seems to be doing little to deny the rumours, instead fuelling them further with a series of tweets, all of which point to the Spice reunion wheels being very much in motion. Late last week she tweeted a photo of a diamanté-encrusted microphone, along with an excited "Look what I found!!!, following it up with a photograph of LOVE editor Katie Grand's pet rabbit and the caption: "Morning fitting with @gilesgilesgiles, cuddle with @kegrand bunny!! X vb"

IN PICTURES: The Spice Girls' most memorable fashion moments

So does this mean Giles Deacon is making the Spice Girls' costumes for the Closing Ceremony? Or is he just making VB's ( Geri might want to make her own frock again… )? We can't think what else Giles would be fitting Beckham for - more often than not she wears her own designs for any public appearances nowadays. Plus, it's already been hinted that VB will be outfitting Georgia May Jagger for her part in the event alongside the likes of Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell thanks to a Closing Ceremony-themed shoot in the September issue of British Vogue . So, Beckham will already have her designs on show meaning she can go for someone like Giles to create a crazy stage outfit for the big performance.

The Mirror 's celebrity and entertainment columnist Dean Piper also tweeted "So the Spice Girls are all together rehearsing for the Olympics RIGHT NOW in London. #itsonbitches" at 4am last Thursday morning.

So, clandestine rehearsals, Giles fittings, bedazzled microphones - frankly, if this isn't all leading to a Spice Girls reunion we're going to be very disappointed.

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