These days all Miley Cyrus seems to do is adopt puppies, post snaps of her tight abs on Facebook and follow her fiancé Liam Hemsworth around.
Something had to give and it seems that Liam has finally cracked. According to recent reports the actor wants Miley to return to LA because she’s ‘too much of a distraction’ when she’s hanging around Philadelphia where he’s filming.
A source on set claims that while Liam is trying to rehearse his lines and work, Miley just wants to have some fun. Well she is pretty young so that’s normal we’d say.
'Miley is driving Liam crazy at the moment,' a source told Radar Online.
'While he’s on set in Philadelphia shooting his new film Paranoia, she gallivants around town shopping, getting pampered in nail salons and just can’t sit still.
'Then, when she sees Liam after he&rsquo ;s finished filming, she chews his ear off about her adventures and can’t wait to tell him what she did that day.
'With the early starts and late finishes, all Liam wants to do is rest, go through his script so he’s ready for his role and order a takeout or go for a quiet dinner.
'But Miley wants to go to the local gay bars and hit up fancy restaurants, which Liam just isn’t in the mood for.
'And it doesn’t help that Miley brought along their bulldog, Ziggy for the trip. Liam can’t get a good night’s sleep with Ziggy snoring next to him.
“So, Liam’s told Miley that he’s in Philadelphia to work and can’t focus with her buzzing around him.
'He even suggested perhaps it was time for her to go back home,'
That bodes well for their future life together, doesn’t it? Not.
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