We can expect a full court press from Tyra Banks over the next few weeks as she rallies attention to the revamped America's Next Top Model, which starts airing on August 24. And as she well knows, nothing makes the news like a good, juicy confessional, even when it's not exactly a confessional — i.e., she thought about doing something bad, but didn't actually do it. She tells the Post, "I’ve thought about turning the reigns over [at Top Model] ... I had to be reminded that [the show] is my baby. A few years ago, I was willing to give my baby up for adoption!" We all know how this story ends: Instead of removing herself, she removed three of the show's longtime judges and replaced them with Kelly Cutrone and Rob Evans (and threw Bryanboy in the mix too). In other news, she's since hired a life coach to steer her away from having these dirty thoughts of abdication ever again.
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