Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

Justin Bieber disses Prince William's hair

Off with his head! Big-haired teen pop sensation Justin Bieber has dared to dispense hair advice to our, ahem, breezy crowned future king, Prince William.

With all the subtlety of a teenager with a luscious head of hair, and no thought that he may one day boast an 'island of tranquility' up top himself, Bieber told Rollercoater magazine:

"I mean, there are things to prevent that nowadays, like Propecia. I don't know why he doesn't just get those things, those products. You just take Propecia and your hair grows back. Have you not got it over here?"

Easy as that! You just pop a pill, and hey presto, you'll look just like the Bieber yourself by breakfast. Why didn't anyone tell Wane Rooney (AKA Weetabix Wayne) that? Poor lad could have saved himself a fortune, not to mention a life of ribbing in the dressing room and tabloids.

Prince William's 'island of tranquility' has famously been evolving into a 'sea of tranquility' since his early twenties, a fact which hasn't stopped him becoming a top international heartthrob and snaring a total McFittie for a wife. Plus he even knows there's a country called Germany where they speak German - a fact Bieber was totally unaware of…

Bieber, stick to the preening teen routine and leave William to grow old gracefully. Oh, and maybe stock up on the Propecia yourself. If that hair even does start to thin, what will you be famous for?

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