Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Back to the Classroom: Skin Care Advice for the Nations Teachers

Every year, skin care and beauty magazines and websites give out advice and tips to students about how to get beautiful skin for the school year and how to tweak skin care routines and regimens to fit Fall schedules. But students aren't the only ones with schedules, stress levels and daily routines that change with the coming of Fall. Everyone involved with a school or an educational institution has to adjust their lifestyle to accommodate new time and work commitments in the Fall lifestyle. And at Murad we want to salute all the teachers and staff, working in schools across the country, who are committed to helping to give young people the educational opportunities they deserve.

That's why we've put together some special skin care tips to help you look great and feel healthy while you're teaching.

Skin Care Advice: Healthy Skin for TeachersKeep a Piece of Fruit on Your Desk

Hydration is the key to healthy skin (and a healthy body). During the school day, free time is scarce, but don't lose track of your body's needs.. Make sure that you're properly hydrating throughout the day. Not only is hydration an important way to meet your anti-aging skin care needs but it also helps you to keep your energy level up. While having a bottle of water around is a great idea, to stay hydrated in the long run, eat your water as Dr.Howard Murad recommends in his best-selling book, The Water Secret. The cellular structure of water in fruits and vegetables keeps you hydrated longer. It doesn't have to be limited to the traditional teacher's apple, but keeping some fruit handy to hydrate yourself and your skin throughout the school day is a great way to keep on track and avoid making poor food choices

Select Makeup that Can Last All Day Long

If you teach, the makeup you put on in the morning may need to last for over ten hours. That makeup marathon can stretch out even longer if you coach or sponsor an afterschool activity. If you're using thick or heavy makeup, after a few hours you may start to see it cake and flake. It can also clog pores (which is problematic if you suffer from adult acne) and generally just lead to dull-looking skin. Consider r a lighter makeup solution, such as a powder-based or mineral-based makeup. If your skin is oily, consider an oil control skin treatment such as Murad Oil Control Mattifier SPF 15 or Murad T-Zone Pore Refining Gel. If you're comfortable switching to a lighter makeup treatment, consider using only a skin primer, such as Murad Skin Perfecting Primers.

Related Product: Murad Skin Perfecting Primer Dewy Finish
Oil-free primer ignites a radiant glow, powered by light-enhancing minerals

Customer Review
"I read the reviews and was skeptical, still so when I received it and pumped out a blob and saw the color of it. After I put it on (thank you for being LIGHTWEIGHT) and gave it about 20 seconds.. I was IN LOVE. I got into this whole skincare regime because I’m getting married in a month, well I am NOT going to be using anything on my face but this, some blush and some eye makeup on that day. I love it that much. I feel the dewy finish makes it look more natural as opposed to the matte finish, but I may switch to matte when winter gets here. BUY IT." Lisa87l, Washington

Make Sure That You're Getting Enough Sleep

It's not just students who end up staying up too late catching up on homework when the school year starts. Teachers also end up logging long nights of grading and classroom prep work. Lack of sleep has a definite impact not only on your skin's health but also on your overall health. No matter how passionate you are about educating students,when you don't take care of your needs, you'll ultimately pay the price and be less able to help.  So be sure to get a full night of sleep every night. Those papers will still be there for you to grade the next day!

Lunch Break Can Be a Skin Care Break

While there aren't many breaks in a teacher's day, some quick skin care fixes  can give your skin a pick-me-up during your lunch break or prep period. Make sure to carry a face or skin moisturizer to hydrate topically. But the best skin care secret weapon for time when time is an issue is a skin toner. A simple spray infuses your face with skin-improving ingredients,hydrates and give you a  refreshing lift ready to take on the rest of the day (and those rowdy students). If you need a skin care touch up during the day, a skin toner can be the new teacher's pet.

Related Product: Murad Essential-C® Toner
Bitter Orange Flower and Coneflower Extract strengthen skin’s natural defense system while natural moisture factors gently condition and hydrate skin. Essential-C Toner re-establishes normal pH level so skin is receptive to treatment and gives environmentally stressed skin a refreshing, hydrating lift any time of day.

Customer Review
"This product is extremely refreshing in the middle of a trying day or at the end of a workout. I love the way it ‘perks up’ my complexion without disturbing my makeup. It’s a wonderful product and you certainly will get your money worth. One bottle has lasted me around 3 months." Kay1023, Michigan

Teaching is a truly demanding job that can take its toll on your skin and your health. That's why in addition to taking care of your skin and staying hydrated,  be sure to find ways to support your Sense of Self™.  That can be taking time to chat with a coworker, a quick lunch with a friend or a walk around the block to clear your head. No matter how much good you're doing for the world, your job shouldn't make you forget that at the end of the day, you are the most important person in your life—because keeping that truth in mind will keep you in shape to keep doing the good work you do for young people every day of the school year.

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