Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

Wheres Wally? Oh thats Alex Reid with Chantelle Houghton in a leopard print overload


Ok, so it’s not exactly summer-like outside but it certainly isn’t the weather for a faux-fur coat, is it Chantelle Houghton?

Unless of course the new mum just donned the coat because it matches her leopard print wellington boots. It’s a good look after all (not).

Anyway the dressed-for-the-arctic Chan was joined by Wally from Where’s Wally?, sorry we mean she was joined by her partner Alex.

The couple enjoyed (well they don’t look like they were enjoying it that much) a spot of shopping and ever the gentleman, Alex held all the bags, even Chantelle’s handbag. Now there’s a man who’s comfortable with his sexuality, no?

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